“Better insights” for a better business, a better society, and a better world.
Under our mission — “Better insights to change the world.” — Nikkei Research’s goal is to support and help companies and society for the world’s sustainable and prosperous growth.
Digital disruption and the COVID-19 pandemic have caused irreversible changes in the world. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has not only shattered the post-cold war international order but also showed that the history’s clock has moved backward.
Living in this volatile, unpredictable, complex era, experiences and past successes will not always guide us to future success.
In that circumstance, not one but many layers of “better insights” based on research and data, the core value and what Nikkei Research provide, should be carried out — and that would lead to change and reform.
Our “better insights” are backed by solid surveys, interviews, and data analysis, which turns them into actionable information. No matter how further the advance of technologies such as artificial intelligence and robotics go, this would be a fundamental basis. Without that careful handling, it will not solve any client’s problems.
Since our establishment in 1970, we have earned credit from companies through our highly valued research and data services backed by the trust and alliance network of the Nikkei Group.
We are proud to be No.1 both in the quality and quantity of the coverage of corporate information. Based on this, we have our unique list of services, such as BtoB research, compliance/risk assessment, and brand strategy surveys. Surveys and promotions targeting Nikkei ID members are also other extents backed by that strong relationship with companies.
Quality is also our fundamental basis. Quality is not limited to the accuracy of data processing and analysis, but also expands to our secure and strict management of information, from customer data to research results, that are entrusted to us by our clients. As a member of the Nikkei Group, we always look out for keeping up to the highest standards.
Today, in a changing business environment, we are stretching out from a research company. Beyond providing valuable information, we are transforming into a company that provides problem-solving solutions, foreseeing our customer’s demands.
Masashi Shindo
Nikkei Research Inc.