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How to Avoid Screw-up in Marketing Research

We believe many of you face challenges when doing marketing research. Moreover, you might be a little skeptical about the outcome or felt disappointed in the past survey results.
The following videos will explain the common pitfalls and the way to help you out from not screwing-up your project.

#1 Understanding your Customers

Do you really understand your customers?
Methodology is crucial for truly understanding your customers.

Understanding your Customers [4 min. video]


#2 Survey Design for collecting VOC

Using surveys for collecting VOC (Voice Of Customer) is a handy way.
Although, who (targeting) and how (questionnaire) you collect matters.

Survey Design for collecting VOC [3 min. video]


#3 Analysis and Results-to-Actions

Effective how-to takeaways for delivering actionable insights from survey results.
Introducing the steps to run customer segmentation, loyal segment characterization, and further digging with qualitative information (open-end responses).

Analysis and Results-to-Actions [5 min. video]


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Please feel free to contact us for consultation regarding survey
methodology or any other concerns you may have regarding surveys or data analysis.

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