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Nikkei ID Research Service -- Approaching to the hard-to-reach audiences | Nikkei Research Inc.

Written by Admin | 2021.08.09

In this article, we will explain our "Nikkei ID Research Service" -- surveys that can collect responses from hard-to-reach audiences by approaching to Nikkei ID members.

One of the largest BtoB platform

Nikkei ID members are majorly based on users of Nikkei’s services. It is one of the largest platforms covering businesspersons in Japan, enabling us to reach 10 million people.

Approachable to all types of businesspeople -- from C-level executives to front line decision-makers

Various businessperson, from C-level executives to department head, section managers, team leaders, and employees in the front line, are registered in Nikkei ID. We can collect responses from hard-to-reach targets such as decision-makers of some specific product/service.

Rich and insightful responses

Nikkei ID members are eager to know new things, proactive learners. They have high attention towards business issues and feel the fulfillment in their job. We can expect rich and insightful information through qualitative responses (open-end comments).  

High-class consumers

Nearly 60% have over 10 million yen in household annual income. They are consumers with relatively high-income status and interested in asset management or luxury brands.

Example use cases by objectives

To approach key persons such as executives, managers, and decision-makers in a survey
To survey people in specific industries, job type, company sizes, and corporate structures -- segments where the incident rate is low and enough number of respondents cannot be obtained by general online panels.

To reach businesspeople who are high-performers (productive) and interested in learning and career building.

Conduct in-depth studies for specific purposes, such as market evaluation, exploring customer needs, customer journeys, and reputation/brand research.

To collect insightful results that are practical and concrete in BtoB businesses, through interviews and open-ended responses.

To study the consuming habit of high-income/rich financial asset holders.

Overview of Member’s Profile

General Profiles

*We can approach by screening surveys, for attributes other than the listed.

Click to enlarge.

Service Timeline

This is an example timeframe. It would differ by conditions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Another company said it was not possible to conduct survey targeting businesspersons under our criteria.
Would you be able to collect enough number of respondents by Nikkei ID?

It depends on the conditions, but it is possible. Upon regarding your specific criteria, and based on the incident rate/cooperation rate, we will propose the number of respondents we can collect. Our advantages are being able to approach to businesspeople who are highly focused to the issues.

Is there any difference in responses that are collected from corporate surveys?

Yes, there is. Corporate surveys ask companies as a whole and are suitable for investigating the status and policies of a company. While, the Nikkei ID Research is targeted towards individuals, and is suitable when you want to reach businesspeople in a specific field, regardless of the corporation, such as surveys for marketing purposes. We suggest you choose the right method depending on your purpose and budget.

Is it possible to have a follow up in-depth surveys?

Yes, we can have the respondents' consent to cooperate in an additional follow up interview during the initial survey.

What kind of survey should be done if the estimated number of respondents is very small?

We recommend qualitative research such as interviews to obtain more detailed/contextualized information, rather than quantitative surveys.

Can you provide the names of respondents and their employers?

No, we cannot provide personal information. We can provide certain information (gender, job title, industry, company size, etc.), under the extent of where respondents or employers cannot be identified.

Respondents are registered users of Nikkei's services, but don't that affect the results?

In general, it will not have any impact. However, caution is required on studies that ask about media and information sources.

Is it possible to use the survey results for advertising and PR?

Yes, we offer the "Nikkei Online Article & Advertising Bundle Plan" in collaboration with Nikkei, Inc.